Employee engagement

Soliciting and Using Customer Feedback: Learning Without Annoying

Maybe it is an occupational hazard, but every time I receive service I make two rather important decisions: Does this company know how to “care for” my presenting need? Does this company “care about” meeting those needs?   I carry that evaluation process through every touch point with a brand including if/how they solicit feedback…

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Trembling: Being Accountable to the Customer

There’s accountability and there’s ACCOUNTABILITY. Try this one on for size… Would you be willing to be held to a standard (which I refer to as the “tremble effect”) when it comes to the quality and consistency of experiences you and your team provide to your customers? The “tremble effect” seems an apt description of…

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The SDI’s of Millennials

In the 1950’s, a number of ministers and politicians railed against the “evils of rock and roll” and implied that the youth of the day were adversely affected by the insidious nature of the music. Despite that music, most of us who lived through the 1950’s and 60’s did so without too much lasting damage.…

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Memorable WOW Experience Held Together by Coffee Stir Sticks

It’s an occupational hazard of keynoting, consulting, and writing about customer service that my friends and family feel compelled to share all of their customer service nightmare stories. I’m really not complaining. I merely mention this as a set-up to a story shared with me by my son. Before I get too far into my…

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Renewed Year Customer Experience Focus

A new year is here and I need to make a confession. I admit it. I’ve been critical of leaders who make declarations like “THIS IS THE YEAR OF THE CUSTOMER.” My problem with those types of statements is that I believe every year should be the year of the customer. Why else are we in business? In support of my position,…

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Awaken the Force: Six Powerful Commitments for 2016

As December comes to a close, many of us will do a “year in review” (and if we don’t, Facebook will do it for us).  A lot of us will also think about how we can succeed in the year to come. I have long stopped doing “New Year’s resolutions” since I’ve repeatedly lost and gained back the same 10 pounds I…

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