Employee engagement

How to Lead a Rising Star {Guest Post by Mike Figliuolo}

Today’s guest post is by Mike Figliuolo, co-author of Lead Inside the Box: How Smart Leaders Guide Their Teams to Exceptional Results (you can get your copy by clicking here). You can learn more about Mike and the book at the end of the post. Here’s Mike: Erin joined your team about a year ago.…

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Which Should Come First?

Did you hear the one about the employee who was about to be recognized for his 20th year of service, only for his supervisors to find that he hadn’t shown up for work in the last 6 years? If only this was the set-up for a joke and not reality! Clearly that man’s employer should…

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Why Companies Need to Bring Mobile Technology to the Marketing Table {Guest Post}

Mobile technology has reached unprecedented levels on innovation. Products like Google Cardboard are revolutionizing virtual reality, and yearly location-based innovations are creating astounding utility. In 2016, mobile marketing will be a must-have by many businesses. Media-centric advertisements, immersive SMS and dynamic social media environments are to be expected. Companies are urged to adopt mobile strategies,…

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Not Hand Size – Heart Size: The Art of Engagement and Loyalty

While political candidates have been making headlines challenging one another on the comparative “size of their hands” – a client of mine has demonstrated it really is the size of one’s heart that matters. I am honored to say I know and work with a company from Sheboygan, Wisconsin whose leaders care so much about…

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How to Create a Successful Customer Loyalty Program

Having worked with Starbucks since 2004, as I began my journey to my first of two books about them (The Starbucks Experience and later Leading the Starbucks Way), friends and colleagues are quick to contact me whenever Starbucks makes the news.  That goes for both good and bad news! Recently Starbucks announced a change in…

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5 Things Service Professionals Should ALWAYS Say…

Recently I created a blog and infographic titled “5 Things Service Professionals Should NEVER Say.” After those materials were published, a client noted that she hung the infographic in one of her break rooms, to remind her team of some “words to stay away from.” She then asked for a companion infographic on things that…

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Service Professionalism – Neither Scripts Nor These 5 Gems

Once upon a time…in a land far, far away…I was a young organizational development specialist employed by a sizable health care system. My job was to “improve customer service by deploying employee scripts.” Given my naivete, I took to my task by researching the best available customer service programs. Ultimately, I purchased a boxed set…

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The Starbucks Experience: Leadership Tips eBook
Elevating Care in Healthcare: Lessons from the UCLA Health System eBook
How to Win Every Customer, Every Time, No Excuses! Article