Employee engagement

Back with an Apology: Rare Rewards of Service Professionalism

I’ve often made a distinction between service and servitude. Sadly, and all too often, customers treat service providers like they are lesser beings. At the same time, I am disheartened when service providers take little pride in developing the skills necessary to be true service professionals. It is my belief that automation will replace many…

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How to Benefit from the Voice of Your Employees {Guest Post}

Take a moment to think about your business. Think about the day-to-day tasks and the work that gets done. Consider who it is that is doing most of this work, investing their time and energy into bettering your company. In nearly every case, the answer will be your employees. An employee is an invaluable resource…

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Fine-tuning Your Service Expectations and Your Consistent Delivery of Service Behaviors

We’ve all had it happen. As customers, we’ve encountered a service provider who unfortunately chose to attend to something of interest to them instead of attending to our needs. As a result of their self-preoccupation, we were left to feel like we were intruding on their text messaging session, their online purchase, or interrupting their…

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Customer Experience Excellence – The Science and the Craft

Every time I develop a customized customer service training tool for a client of mine, I caution that the tool is a “guidebook” for customer service behavior and that no tool can fit every application. As such, a customer service toolkit is only as good as the judgment and skill of the person using it. Additionally, tools…

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