Employee engagement

Stronger Through Adversity | Set Safety Supreme

Thank you for joining me for this series titled Stronger Through Adversity. The book by the same name is based on conversations I’ve had with more than 140 global leaders as they navigate through COVID-19. In Stronger Through Adversity, I wrote, “The more things change, the more they stay the same or so it would seem from…

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Stronger Through Adversity | Practice Employee Obsession

Thank you for joining me for this series titled Stronger Through Adversity. The book by the same name is based on conversations I’ve had with more than 140 global leaders as they navigate through COVID-19. In Stronger Through Adversity, I suggest that practicing employee obsession is an ominous concept since, in its most negative connotation, obsession means…

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Make it Technology-Aided and Human-Powered: Deliver a Flourish of Humanity

Thank you for joining me for this series titled “Make it Technology-Aided and Human-Powered.” This series provides tools to help you position your customer and employee experience for relevance in a COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 world. This is the final installment in this series. In my last post, I focused on creating, at minimum, two customer journeys –…

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Better Than Normal | The Entrepreneurial New Days

This is the sixth and final installment in a series titled “Better Than Normal – Designing Transformative Experiences,” which will provide tools to help you position your employee and customer experience for relevance in a COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 world. Have you ever wanted to have a business do-over? In golf, we call it a mulligan. It’s…

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It’s Emotional – Flip the Feeling

This is the fourth installment of the series “It’s Emotional – Creating an Unprecedented Team and Customer Experience.” I have an unusual perspective when it comes to the emotional impact of this pandemic. My view is shaped by working as a licensed clinical psychologist early in my career and helping people deal with anxiety, depression, loneliness,…

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It’s Emotional – Listen to the Feelings Behind the Words

Thank you for joining me on this third installment in my series “It’s Emotional – Creating an Unprecedented Team and Customer Experience in the Pandemic.” This series is designed to offer tools to manage your emotions as well as support the emotional journey of your prospects and customers. A couple of installments back I talked about…

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Break the Glass – Anticipate

This is the second in my series entitled Break the Glass. If you missed the first installment, at the end of this post, I will tell you how to locate it. Last week we talked about the first of four categories of constructive behaviors that this series will cover, namely listening to the needs and…

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7 Workplace Wellness Ideas That Boost Employee Engagement {Guest Post}

Guest post by Clara Masters: Did you know that only 29% of employees report feeling engaged at work? The remainder are either indifferent to their work or completely uninterested. Given that engagement is tied to both wellness and productivity, it’s an issue that needs to be taken seriously. Luckily, there are lots of ways to inspire any…

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No Joke! The Role of Humor in Customer Experience

Isn’t it remarkable how things we learn at one point in our life come back to us as welcome gifts later? Early in my career, I wrote a book about helping children develop humor skills (Humor, Play and Laughter – Stress-proofing life with your kids). I became a student on the topic because I wanted…

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Likely to Recommend vs. Actually Recommending: Loyalty vs. Advocacy

I am a huge proponent of the concept behind the Net Promoter Score® (NPS)®. As you likely know the NPS® is calculated by asking customers: How likely is it that you would recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague? Respondents are given choices on a zero to 10 point scale. Those who indicate 9 or…

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