Employee engagement

Business partners and a FREE Zappos Gift

T0day, I was fortunate enough to get to speak to an audience regarding co-branding and business partnerships!  To draw out core concepts, I asked the group the following questions and thought they might help you consider your essentials of partnering: In your personal life or in business, where have you accomplished more because you partnered…

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Wounded but Alive – Surviving Zappos Fun Experiences

I was at Zappos HQ today delivering an advance copy of The Zappos Experience book to Tony Hsieh and colleagues (the book will hit bookstores by Oct 15th). Honestly, I was minding my own business when I became a casualty of an errant foam dart flying across the Zappos Insights work area.  You have to…

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Give Them the Water

I was satisfied by my old dry cleaner but circumstances prompted a change, so I was in the market for a new one.  I stopped at several local businesses but most did not accept my preferred form of payment.  Finally, a dry cleaner that accepts American Express — but how will the rest of the…

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Tell me a Story – Amplify and Humanize

I will make a bold assertion. To be an effective leader YOU MUST be a consummate story teller. The art of inspiring people to engage in consistently extraordinary service behaviors begins and ends with stories. While I can teach many transactional skills, amazing service is not a paint by numbers enterprise. It takes impassioned, other-focused…

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Why your staff won’t think or act!

Ok, I know the blog title is harsh but today I observed a defining moment in staff disempowerment.  I was in an airport (which shall remain nameless) watching a staff member at a food cart take complaint after complaint about a non-functional coffee vending machine by their cart.  Each time the employee told the customers…

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Who’s in Charge? The Customer or You

I see it all too often but today the confrontation was epic! Let me set the stage in my best boxing ring announcer voice…. “In the red corner, a loud, brash, entitled customer  and  in the blue corner a poorly selected and ill-trained staff…..” Cesar Ritz, the founder of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, iscredited with…

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Lessons from the Road

I have been traveling and consulting a great deal lately and each day serves as an amazing learning lab. Here are some random lessons from my journeys, which I hope will relate to your business: 1) A man in a coffee shop started talking to me about a concept he called “otherness.”. This made me…

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Building the road with hope and positivity

Half full or Half Empty? A new Gallup poll suggests optimists outnumber pessimists 2 to 1 – at least when it comes to expectations for the US economy in 2011.  Given that data, I have a series of questions for you and your company: Do you share optimism for 2011? If so, how are you…

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An honest letter from YOUR customer. Do you dare read it?

I KNOW that my brain works in strange ways.  But for some reason, I started thinking about what a customer would say to owners and leaders about their honest wants, needs, and desires if they wrote them in a compact letter.  Here’s my take…. Dear Business Owner/Leader: Please do what you say you will and…

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AT&T vs Verizon – A seriously improved customer experience?

Much will be written about the battle of the titans  – AT&T vs. Verizon!   Thanks, of course, to AT&T’s lost monopoly on the Iphone. AT&T will argue they have a “faster” customer experience and Verizon will suggest they are more “reliable.” In the end, prices should come down on Iphone data plans and features…

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