Employee engagement

Finding your Customer Experience Core!

Age actually can be a good thing! In my youth, I wanted to be “all things to all people” or at least “most things to most people.”   Slowly and sometimes painfully through my customer experience consulting career, I have aged (or as I like to call it – gained wisdom).  Particularly, as it relates…

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The Human Experience – Lessons from the ICU bedside

My vantage point on customer service and customer experience have certainly grown in the past 5 years. Much of that growth comes in the form of empathy gained from encountering complex healthcare delivery. In the past series of days, for example, I have run the all too familiar gauntlet of being with a close family…

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Get your Zappos Experience in time for Christmas!

Thank you for your patience with my less frequent blog posts. I have two bits of  good news and then on to this weeks blog… 1) the first draft of my upcoming Starbucks book is done (working title The Starbucks Connection) freeing me up to return to blogging soon 2) a couple of bloggers have…

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Connecting People to a Culture of Connection

In an interview recently, I was asked what is the biggest “small detail” business leaders overlook today.  How would you answer that question? For what it’s worth, here’s my response: “I think many business leaders fail to teach their staff that true success hinges on emotionally engaging and not merely satisfying customers.  Few leaders inspire their…

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Shouldn’t You be Shadowing Your Customers? Whys, Whats and Hows for Success

Have you ever been shadowed?  Have you ever shadowed?  I am talking about customer shadowing of course and if you are not doing it, you might want to add it to your toolkit. Imagine not only asking your customers what they want or need from you but also getting permission to watch your customers as…

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The Basics for Delivering Customer Value

How often do you say “no” to a lucrative business opportunity?  I have come to believe that excellence requires a willingness to pass on those opportunities where you are likely to be mediocre, or where those new opportunities will take your focus away from where your attention is needed to maintain or achieve excellence. That…

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Baking customer loyalty into your overall business strategy

While working on the manuscript for my new book about Starbucks, I’ve been revisiting what Michael Porter of the Harvard Business School framed as the  “five forces analysis” of business strategy. While you probably know Porter’s five forces model, I think it is worth examining it from the perspective of building customer engagement and loyalty. …

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Gummy Worms and Customer Experience Excellence!

July 15th was National Gummy Worm day and while that might not be the type of information you would expect from this blog, it turns out to have significance in our office.  Specifically, National Gummy Worm day served as an opportunity to “surprise and delight” many of our clients and business partners.  Additionally, it allowed…

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Do you want return calls from sales prospects? Focus on the personal!

I’ve long championed a simple truth “all business is personal.”  That’s why I believe customer experience is as much about relationship building as it is about product and transactional excellence. A recent study conducted by Reachable powerfully demonstrates the criticality of relationship building when it comes to gaining access to make sales.  Here’s the big payoff…

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Customer Experience – Understanding Emotional Economics

While working on the new book I am writing about Starbucks, to be released in 2013, I have been digging deeply into research on emotional economics.  As you are  aware economics is the branch of the social sciences that looks at the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.  Through much of the history…

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The Starbucks Experience: Leadership Tips eBook
Elevating Care in Healthcare: Lessons from the UCLA Health System eBook
How to Win Every Customer, Every Time, No Excuses! Article