Employee engagement

How to Balance Service Standards with Empowerment

I recently had a conversation with someone who just changed customer-facing jobs. Beyond the dynamics of salary, benefits, and the myriad of other factors that influenced her decision to move on to the next professional opportunity, the way she described her former position stuck with me: “I didn’t like that I couldn’t see customer issues…

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True or False? Measuring Performance Leads to Better Service

If you said “Yes” – you are either amazingly astute or you had a chance to look at the recently released Q1 Zendesk Benchmark report.  In either case – Congratulations! Zendesk, the maker of customer service software that streamlines customer support and fosters self-service and engagement, studied the use of analytics and their impact on…

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Beloved Brands Think Differently

Working remotely, I am sitting in a Starbucks with my laptop.  (As you may have surmised, I’ve been having a substantive long-term relationship with the brand.)  Across the way, a woman was also working away on her computer when…it happened.  A keystroke run amok sends her beverage sailing across the table and onto the floor,…

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How to turn problems into customer loyalty

I recently visited a store to make a return.  I suspect that few people relish this particular type of retail encounter – not the employees, not the customers. Both sides often seem prepared for a debate at best and an argument at worst.  It is an unexpected relief when the experience is seamless. The product…

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Salespeople are the Real Super Heroes

Jeb Blount, author of People Buy You was kind enough to offer a guest blog for your enjoyment this week.  I will provide my blog later in the week but am grateful to be able to share Jeb’s thoughts… Let’s get real. The world continues to wallow in an economic malaise where unemployment is high…

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The Conundrum of Consistency: When More Becomes…More of the Same

Consumers value consistency.  Consistency of service, consistency of product, consistency of availability, particularly when we travel.  But consumers also value the unique and, of late, the local – that feeling of having discovered a secret gem.  As a business owner, how do you cater to this perplexing paradox? Many brands enter communities and appear “out…

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Customer Feedback Loop – Interview with Gautam Mahtani

Welcome to the second of three installments of my interview with Gautam Mahtani Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Customer Feedback Systems. Joseph: Gautam what is the best practice model you identified for creating a high velocity customer feedback loop? Gautam: The first step is to make solicitation of customer feedback quick and easy and deploy…

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Assessing the Voice of the Customer – Interview with Gautam Mahtani

Today on the blog, I feature the first part of an interview with Gautam Mahtani, Loyalty Strategist and Co-founder of Customer Feedback Systems…. Joseph: Welcome to the Michelli Experience Blog. I’m honored to have as a guest with me Gautam Mahtani who has mastery as it relates to assessing the voice of the customer. Increasingly…

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How to Grow Your Customer Connection Through Technology

In a Time magazine survey, people were forced to choose one item to take to work: their wallet, their lunch, or their mobile device. The result: 66 percent chose their mobile device over their lunch, and 44 percent chose their mobile device over their wallet. In the same study, 68 percent of adults report that…

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How to Create Sustainable Customer Excellence: The Power of an Acknowledging Leader

We have talked about the power of being seen, truly seen, as one hallmark of an exemplary customer experience. But to see, listen to, understand, and serve your customers may not be your role day-in and day-out. Perhaps you have a team that more directly interacts with customers or a front-life staff whose job it…

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The Starbucks Experience: Leadership Tips eBook
Elevating Care in Healthcare: Lessons from the UCLA Health System eBook
How to Win Every Customer, Every Time, No Excuses! Article