Stronger Through Adversity

Stronger Through Adversity | Seek Carefully

Thank you for joining me for this series titled Stronger Through Adversity. The book by the same name is based on conversations I’ve had with more than 140 global leaders as they navigate through COVID-19. John Gerzema, the CEO of Harris Insights and Analytics, once observed, “Transparency, honesty, kindness, good stewardship, even humor, work in businesses…

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Stronger Through Adversity | Formally Listen Beyond the Words

Thank you for joining me for this series titled Stronger Through Adversity. The book by the same name is based on conversations I’ve had with more than 140 global leaders as they navigate through COVID-19. In my last post, I outlined how leaders who participated in the book reported enhanced formal and informal listening for all…

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Stronger Through Adversity | Informally Listen Beyond the Words

Thank you for joining me for this series titled Stronger Through Adversity. The book by the same name is based on conversations I’ve had with more than 140 global leaders as they navigate through COVID-19. In Stronger Through Adversity, I borrow wisdom from Greek philosopher Epictetus who said, “We have two ears and one mouth so that…

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Stronger Through Adversity | Set Safety Supreme

Thank you for joining me for this series titled Stronger Through Adversity. The book by the same name is based on conversations I’ve had with more than 140 global leaders as they navigate through COVID-19. In Stronger Through Adversity, I wrote, “The more things change, the more they stay the same or so it would seem from…

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Stronger Through Adversity | Practice Employee Obsession

Thank you for joining me for this series titled Stronger Through Adversity. The book by the same name is based on conversations I’ve had with more than 140 global leaders as they navigate through COVID-19. In Stronger Through Adversity, I suggest that practicing employee obsession is an ominous concept since, in its most negative connotation, obsession means…

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Stronger Through Adversity | Leave the Island

Thank you for joining me for this series titled Stronger Through Adversity. The book by the same name is based on conversations I’ve had with more than 140 global leaders as they navigate through COVID-19. I wrote the following in Stronger Through Adversity, “Unfortunately, many leaders lose perspective on their limitations and carry an inordinate responsibility…

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Stronger Through Adversity | Follow the Terrain

Thank you for joining me for this series titled Stronger Through Adversity. The book by the same name is based on conversations I’ve had with more than 140 global leaders as they navigate through COVID-19. During my conversations with leaders, many referenced having no roadmap for leading in the pandemic or suggested their previously crafted maps…

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Stronger Through Adversity | Put Your Mask On First

Thank you for joining me for this series titled “Stronger Through Adversity.” This series highlights key takeaways from my upcoming book of the same name. That book is based on conversations and work with more than 140 global leaders. This installment is titled “Put Your Mask On First.” Leading through the pandemic has been an adventure. According…

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Stronger Through Adversity | Born from Conversation

Thank you for joining me for this new series titled “Stronger Through Adversity.” This series provides tools to help you cope and lead in a COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 world. When people find out I have written books (eleven of them now), they often say something like, “I’ve been meaning to write a book.” or “I…

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