Stronger Through Adversity

The Gifts of the Pandemic | Stronger Through Empathy

This is the third post in my series titled, The Gifts of the Pandemic.  Smash your thumb with a hammer and those around you will feel your pain. COVID-19 was the hammer, and we all watched the pain it brought to those around us. For those who missed the first couple of posts, this series…

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The Gifts of the Pandemic | Stronger Through Humility & Vulnerability

This is the second post in my new series The Gifts of the Pandemic. I am an imposter but so are you. Fortunately, thanks to COVID-19, I am less of an imposter than I was in 2019. I set-up this series by suggesting that it would be tragic not to glean lessons from our shared…

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The Gifts of the Pandemic | Stronger Through Learning

This is the first in my new series, The Gifts of the Pandemic. I see it in the eyes of those who videoconference with me. I hear the pained tone in clients voices when they say words like “new normal.” Here’s a question for you, if you could, would you go back to the way…

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Three Ways to Lead with Light

Quite frankly these days I’m just trying to get through the darkness of our time.  In 1650, the English Theologian Thomas Fuller wrote that often-quoted line, “The darkest hour is just before the dawn.” For me, when it’s darkest, when I am horrified by nightly death tolls, or righteousness that prompts inexplicable violence, I look…

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Stronger Through Adversity Spotlight on David Hudson

Thanks to all of you who purchased Stronger Through Adversity and for supporting its amazing launch last week! Nothing like marketing a book about the pandemic in the middle of Christmas week during this pandemic-altered holiday season. Throughout December, I’ve been sharing a few excerpts from Stronger Through Adversity to provide stories and lessons on…

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Stronger Through Adversity Spotlight on Chris Recinos

As I mentioned in last week’s post, my book Stronger Through Adversity will launch next week – on December 22nd. It will be my Christmas gift to myself, and hopefully, it will create value for others as well. Throughout December, I’m sharing a few excerpts from the book to offer stories and lessons on resilience…

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Stronger Through Adversity Spotlight on Johnny Yokoyama

I don’t know about you, but I will be glad to see you this year in the rear-view mirror. That said, this is also the month that my new book Stronger Through Adversity releases. I thought I would share a few excerpts throughout December from my new book since it is filled with many stories…

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Stronger Through Adversity | Bring Yourself to Work

Thank you for joining me for this series titled Stronger Through Adversity. The book by the same name is based on conversations I’ve had with more than 140 global leaders as they navigate through COVID-19. In Stronger Through Adversity, I play off the theme of “Bring your Son or Daughter to Work” day to emphasize the…

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Stronger Through Adversity | Choose Words Wisely

Thank you for joining me for this series titled Stronger Through Adversity. The book by the same name is based on conversations I’ve had with more than 140 global leaders as they navigate through COVID-19. If you’ve been following this series, you know the last three posts have been about communication (they were titled “Listen Beyond…

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Stronger Through Adversity | Speak Truthfully

Thank you for joining me for this series titled Stronger Through Adversity. The book by the same name is based on conversations I’ve had with more than 140 global leaders as they navigate through COVID-19. In Stronger Through Adversity, I suggest that “Before the pandemic, it was not unusual for leaders to emphasize the positives and downplay…

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