Customer Advocacy

Are You Easy? How to Drive Loyalty by Reducing Customer Effort

When I was in high school, no one wanted to be described as “easy.” However, an “easy” customer experience is a different story! Let’s take a quick look at customer ease, how to measure effort, when to measure it, and why some customer effort can be positive. Overview of Customer Effort In 2008, the US…

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Stop Your Customers From Leaving – 5 Things You Urgently Need to Fix

The late Steve Jobs once said, “ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions.” Last week, we focused on executing fixes in response to customer complaints. This week let’s talk about driving operational excellence, so customers don’t need to complain – especially in areas that bother them most.…

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Take Risks and Reach Out | Mindset & Agility – The Rocket Fuel for Customer Experience Success

This is the next to the last post in a series titled “Mindset & Agility – The Rocket Fuel for Customer Experience Success.” In my last post, I started unpacking skills outlined in Professor W. Warner Burke’s research-based model of learning agility. As you’ll recall, Dr. Burke shared his findings in a book titled Learning Agility, which…

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How to Learn and Lead with Agility | Mindset & Agility – The Rocket Fuel for Customer Experience Success

In my last post, I spotlighted social psychologist Carol Dweck’s landmark work on growth mindset and offered a link between her research and customer experience excellence. Building on Dr. Dweck’s findings, let’s dive into the first of three posts that unpack Dr. W. Warner Burke’s model of learning agility. Professor Burke is an organizational psychologist…

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Make it Technology-Aided and Human-Powered: Compassion in Action

Thank you for joining me for the second installment in the series “Make it Technology-Aided and Human-Powered.” This series provides tools to help you position your customer and employee experience for relevance in a COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 world. This installment is titled “Compassion in Action.” In my last post, I distinguished between compassion, empathy, and sympathy. I…

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Make it Technology-Aided and Human-Powered: Be Compassionate

Thank you for joining me for this new series titled “Make it Technology-Aided and Human-Powered.” This series will provide tools to help you position your customer and employee experience for relevance in a COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 world. This installment is titled “Be Compassionate.” People are in love with technology these days, and well, they should be. It’s…

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Are Customers Getting Smarter than Business Leaders? [Infographic]

I’m a fan of both business leaders and customers. However, of the two groups, it seems that customers are winning when it comes to embracing change. As you look at your business’s ability to understand your customers and their journey with you, I welcome the opportunity to understand you and your needs: particularly, as you…

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Looking Back, Letting Go, and Moving Forward [Infographic]

As I was readying for a new year of blog posts, I looked back to past articles and decided to expand on a prioritization theme that I touched on as the calendar moved from 2017 to 2018. I personally look forward to a balanced year providing keynotes, workshops, and strategic consultation to leaders like yourself.…

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Customer Experience Wisdom from a 96-year-old Business Legend

Few people have actively stewarded a restaurant’s success for over 70 years. So, when such a person speaks about customer experience, I take notice and listen. I suspect we all should. During my many visits to New Orleans, I’ve been fortunate to dine at the Dooky Chase Restaurant off of Orleans Ave. When I’ve visited, I…

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Elevating Care in Healthcare: Lessons from the UCLA Health System eBook
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