Patient Experience Consulting

Wow Customer Experiences – Defined and Delivered

In my book, The New Gold Standard, I defined “wow” experiences as “unique, emotionally engaging interactions that go beyond expectations and are readily recounted.”  As a result of that definition, I’m often asked to give examples of how “wow” service is different from good service.  So here is a beyond expectation, emotionally engaging, and easily…

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Customer Experience – Understanding Emotional Economics

While working on the new book I am writing about Starbucks, to be released in 2013, I have been digging deeply into research on emotional economics.  As you are  aware economics is the branch of the social sciences that looks at the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.  Through much of the history…

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You look like a curator…a key to adding customer experience value

Are you are a curator?  In today’s time-pressured, information-laden world you should think about adding “curator” to your title! In my youth, I thought of curators as old sophisticates who went around the world securing art works for museums.  Today, I think of them as smart business leaders who add value for customers by filtering…

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Customer Experience – Art or Science? The answer is YES

Crafting engaging customer experiences requires a blend of art and science.  The science often hinges on effective use of empirical data concerning consumer need states, use patterns, and changing trends. To that end, I offer some recent results from Bitly’s research’s on viral social media content.  As you probably know, Bitly is a service that…

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The Starbucks Experience: Leadership Tips eBook
Elevating Care in Healthcare: Lessons from the UCLA Health System eBook
How to Win Every Customer, Every Time, No Excuses! Article